
I warn you, there may be penguins in here somewhere.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

And Then There Were Two

Hi again! This looks like it will be my penultimate post on here, I hope to get at least one more post in before I leave. I start home for sunny England on Monday, but I’m honestly not sure my body will be able to cope with the temperature difference. I’m going to miss the sun... and the sea... and being able to wear flip-flops to work...

The week has been relatively uneventful, but that’s mainly because I’ve gotten lazy with my “outside-work” activities. For example, there is the small matter of a mountain that I still haven’t climbed. I’m going to try and do that on Monday before I leave; if not it just gives me an excuse to come back here another time. That said, I have been out quite a lot in the evenings with my housemates. We’ve made friends with the bar staff and bouncers at Cubanas, so we’ve been getting drinks there more and more and paying for less and less. All in the spirit of Christmas though right?

SANCCOB has had a recent influx of new volunteers, and it was nice to realise how much I have learnt in the time I’ve been here. Only six short weeks ago, I too was freaking out because I found a fish scale stuck to my face.

Today we went to Canal Walk, possibly the largest shopping centre I have ever seen. Three floors the size of a football stadium of pure retail paradise! Stuff is expensive so you have to shop around, but only if you have the fitness and provisions for it. I’m surprised the centre wasn’t riddled with the skeletons of shoppers who misjudged the sheer enormity of the task ahead of them and simply expired mid-browse.

Also today was Reagan’s last day in South Africa. We are all going to miss her so much! But I wrote this post in our room while she was packing, and it was once of the funniest things I have ever seen. You know the feeling of utter bewilderment when you realise how much stuff you have managed to accumulate over six weeks? To quote her exact words, “it looked like the South African tourism industry blew up in our room.” It’s a real shame that she couldn’t fit that six-pack of Savannah cider in her bag. A real shame I tell you. I mean, she’ll have to leave it here. In our room. With me. Shame.

But seriously, I am going to miss Reagan. I’ve never known someone with as much of a get-up-and-go attitude and she really is just such an inspiring personality. It's just me and Natalie in our room now and it feels so empty! I really hope to see her again soon. I want to visit her and her aquarium sometime; I still have most of my gap year ahead of me, I could easily find the time for it.

And so I sit here, shamelessly drinking Savannah at 4pm, writing about a wonderful person who I will never forget. This one’s for you Reagan! Have a safe journey home!

Talk soon guys x

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