
I warn you, there may be penguins in here somewhere.

Sunday 6 November 2011

The Adventure Begins

That's right, soon I will be off to Tesco (for the things I typically forgot to get yesterday) and then to the airport! So far the adventure has started like all the others... furiously packing every item of clothing I own, stealing all the shower gel from the bathrooms and cursing loudly at whatever poor, unsuspecting suitcase wasn't big enough to house all of my rubbish.

Packing should have been a lot easier, but my mum wants me to take some presents to her friends in South Africa. She hasn't seen them since her school days and we both agreed it would be a nice gesture. Luckily, these gifts are very well-suited to airline baggage travel as they are both quite large and very fragile - two properties that any baggage-handler will do their very best to ignore. Handle with care? Sure! We'll put it safely under that shipment of anvils and bricks. 

I have handed over my paper round to my younger sister for the duration of my trip. She loves this idea as she gets to earn money, but I think she may have overlooked the fact that she actually has to get up every morning and work for it. I will be interested to hear how well she gets on with that; I'd like to come back and not find myself penniless AND jobless. Merry Christmas indeed.

But at the risk of jinxing it, everything else has gone pretty well. My dad even made a lovely roast dinner for the family with my favourite dessert, apple crumble and custard, which I ate far too much of. I only hope that the added "crumble weight" isn't going to affect the overall performance of the plane.

Time to go I think! Hopefully the next update will be from sunny South Africa, with a vuvuzela in one hand and a penguin on my lap. Talk soon guys x

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