
I warn you, there may be penguins in here somewhere.

Monday 7 November 2011

The Long-haul Experience

Airports are not my friends. Period. Admittedly, the overall experience wouldn't have been nearly as stressful if I wasn't such a moron. For example, a "normal" person probably wouldn't lose their passport and boarding pass within the amount of time it takes to walk through a metal detector. Yes, you should always put your passport and boarding pass in a safe, easily accessible place. But here's the completely mind-blowing part, make an effort to remember where the safe place is. Idiot.

And no Boots, I will not pay 25 quid for sunglasses.

But I did have the pleasure of looking out over London and seeing firework displays from the sky! Very nice pre-dinner entertainment. And airline food has gotten a lot better, I had coq-au-vin (so they said, I have no idea if it actually was or not...) with the cutest tiny onions! I think the cabin pressure may have been a bit iffy - I don't normally find small vegetables cute, or indeed any more notable than regular vegetables.

I watched Green Lantern and The Hangover: Part 2 on the plane and tried desperately not to wake everyone else up by laughing, and then attempted to fall asleep. When we landed, I got scared by an angry customs lady (airports again!? grrr) and then got picked up and taken to where I will be staying for the next 6 weeks.

Cheryl's house is also an animal sanctuary so they have about 70 cats, 6 kittens, 4 dogs and 5 penguins in residence. One cat, "squirrel", keeps climbing up my back when I get too close to the table. I don't imagine I will get used to that. I share my room with 3 other volunteers, who I have yet to meet, and I can't wait!

It's really nice here! The people are lovely, the weather is amazing and I'm allowed to eat peanut butter at all hours. 'Tis a good life.

I start work at 8am at SANCCOB tomorrow, so I hope to have some pictures up very soon. Inevitably they will just be of me covered with penguin mess, but at least you guys at home will have something to laugh at. Talk soon guys x

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