
I warn you, there may be penguins in here somewhere.

Sunday 27 November 2011

C'est bon ça!!

Afternoon everyone! I can't believe it's been over a week since my last post. The week has been quite busy, but nothing too eventful (yet...) so I think we'll try to keep this one short and sweet.

Somehow I was chosen to go on another release with SANCCOB, which was nice. Unfortunately the weather is unbelievably fickle in Cape Town; if you only experience four seasons in one day, you're doing well. The release was cancelled twice because the sea was mental, so we went to Boulder's Beach in Simon's Town for a land release instead. The poor penguins literally had no idea what to do with the sea when they saw it, it was so funny! I'll upload the video when I get home.

Natalie has introduced our room to French dance music. It's irritatingly catchy... we danced all the way home from the Bayside shopping centre and got some very strange looks indeed! And now we greet each other by shouting "Mitraillette a Natalie!!" and pretending to shoot each other. Standard.

I've started my Advanced Open Water scuba diving course now too, so on Monday I went diving in a kelp forest. I'm really happy because it's something I've always wanted to do (well... since the aquarium trip anyway....) and I can't wait to go again! Antony, the instuctor, got stung in the face by a jellyfish (again)... I probably shouldn't laugh. We also went diving near a golf course so we were told to keep an eye out for the rare, lesser-spotted golfballfish, which can only be found in certain areas around the world.

Reagan and I went on a bit of a pub-crawl last night, we started off in the "Purple Turtle" which, other than the five-legged, half dead cockroach in the bathroom, appeared to be a very respectable establishment. We drank some Savannah and made some friends at the bar. Unfortunately, all of the partying had taken place the previous night and it was a bit dull, so we moved on to "The Dubliner", an Irish pub (what gave it away?).

What a difference! A live band, a cocktail balcony, and hundreds of drunk students made for an interesting night. And alcohol is cheap here, so you have to watch you don't get carried away. For example, I vaguely remember getting up and playing the piano at some point last night...

And tonight we're planning to go to Adderley Street and see the switching on of the Christmas lights! I'll try to take some pictures. Wow... this post turned out a lot longer than first anticipated. Sorry about that! Talk soon guys x

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