
I warn you, there may be penguins in here somewhere.

Friday 4 November 2011

An Introduction

Hi everyone! Welcome to the blog.

So as some of you know, I am going to South Africa to do penguin conservation (for 6 weeks - shockerrr) this Sunday. I was asked to set up a blog so I could let my family and friends know what I was doing over there.

I'm feeling pretty excited about leaving, but with only three days to go the "Ahh-what-if-I-don't-have-enough-stuff??" instinct has made its presence known. That said, the problem I truly face is the "I-wonder-if-I-can-fit-anything-other-than-the-109432-bottles-of-sun-cream-that-my-mother-would-like-me-to-take-in-my-suitcase" conundrum. I sometimes think she loves me too much.

Right now, I'm attempting to clear up my room so I can leave it nice and tidy for 6 weeks. Against my will, of course. I've never understood why people tidy up before they go away. Personally I think that it's good to come home to a good obstacle course of clutter and general mess, it makes sure you didn't get lazy and careless while you were away.

So yeah, updates to follow! I'd like to think I can write another post on Sunday about how much my family is going to miss me, but I think that's a bit optimistic. The more likely scenario is that I stumble across the guest list for their "She's Gone!" celebration. Talk soon guys x

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